Sunday, March 9, 2014

Advice for New Moms?

Ok, well someone I know thinks I might know something about this parenting thing and has asked me for advice for new moms. (She shall remain nameless to protect the innocent lol.)

And it has given me much to think about. Of course, there's the stuff everyone knows. Don't drop the baby. Feed the baby. Change the baby. Bathe the baby. Repeat.

Then there's the stuff that I hope everyone knows by now. You can't spoil a baby. Don't give babies cold medicine. (Believe me, I fought my doctor on that on at first, too.) Don't put the baby to sleep on its tummy. Use car seats every time and use them properly.

But what is left?

Swaddle the baby or don't swaddle the baby? Well, it depends on the baby. I've had babies that liked it. And babies that didn't. Babies that liked being swaddled as long as their hands were free. Babies that loved being a little baby burrito. Work with your baby and figure out what makes them happy.

Put baby on a schedule or not? Personally, I don't. If the baby is hungry, feed the baby! If the baby has a wet diaper, change the baby! But realize that if you desperately need a shower and you're about to step in when the baby wakes up early from their nap, it's ok if you go ahead and take that quick shower. (I'm not saying spend an hour in there while baby screams. But a 2 minute shower to make you feel human again is fine as long as baby isn't hurting or in danger.

Let your spouse, mother, father, or any other responsible adult help. They can hold the baby, change the baby, feed the baby while you get a nap, or make something to eat besides a sandwich or take out.

Remind yourself, daily, or hourly if necessary. "THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION." Do what you feel is the best thing for you and your baby. Don't get into the arguments about co-sleeping, sleep training, bottle or breast feeding. It drains your energy and spends your time arguing when you could spend that time with your precious baby. Just do what's best for you.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Elder Scrolls Online

Ok, so I'm about to geek out. If you aren't into video games, my sincere apologies. But I sincerely request that you give this one a shot.

It doesn't come out until April 4th but I've been participating in beta tests for it for a little while now.

It is awesome! I've beta tested and played quite a few MMORPG's before and this one is right up there.

It has first person as well as third person playing views. (I prefer third person for the most part.)

There are only four classes but the skill trees make up for it. You can wield a sword, or a bow, or a staff no matter what class you sign up as. And any race can wear any armor or wield any weapon.

There are also morphing abilities. When a skill reaches rank 5 (and I think every 5 ranks thereafter) you have the option of morphing that ability into a new, stronger ability. Even summoned familiars can be morphed.

The quests are interesting and not the usual "go kill 10 rats." There is some of the typical, "go kill skeletons" but they are disguising it a little more with a bit of "investigate the temple." In other words, the writing of the script is better than I've seen in a while. Also, the voice overs are extraordinary.

The fights are more interesting, too. You won't be able to just hit your hot-keys. You'll have to actually use strategy against some of the antagonists.

The crafting is more interesting than most of the MMORPG's I've played, too. Even Dad likes it and, generally speaking, he hates crafting.

Please, give it a shot. And send me a message with your character name & we can group up and go questing!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Shot day!

Poor Cookie got her 2 month shots today. I took the day off work. (Jalapeno has reactions to some immunizations, so, just in case, I felt it was better for me to be home today.)

They have started combining so many immunizations. Not that I'm complaining, fewer pokes is a good thing.

But holy cow! She got 3 shots and an oral vaccine. But she was vaccinated against 8 things. One shot had 5 vaccines in it.

And they no longer give polio vaccines orally. That's built into a shot now.

And they also don't want you to give them acetaminophen. They prefer to let them run a fever because they have discovered that babies develop a better immunity to the diseases when they run a fever.

Even in just a few years, things change so much!

Also, in better news, Cookie bear seemed to really like our family doctor. She was making good eye contact and cooing at him almost the entire time.

Monday, March 3, 2014


So, yesterday was a book day for me.

First of all, Papaya goes to the library every couple of Saturday's. Yesterday, was that day. I asked him to see if they had a copy of the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Well, he got a little overwhelmed with all the books about Benjamin Franklin. Instead, he brought me this other book on Benjamin Franklin. Considering it is the second book that comes up when you search Amazon for Benjamin Franklin and it's a New York Times Best Seller, I'm hoping it will be a good book.

I'll have to get the Autobiography on my kindle app on my phone and give it a try that way.

Also, my dear hubby took me out last night. We went and had dinner at our favorite restaurant in town, Thai Pepper. It's this little mom & pop place in a strip mall that is run by two Thai grandmothers. We love the place. We figured out last night that we have been going there for almost 9 years now. The waiter knows us by name. He knows what we order and doesn't bother bringing us menus anymore. The grandmothers come over to greet us and ask how we are. If you go, try the Thai Pepper Chicken (Dad's favorite) or the Red Curry Chicken (my favorite). And tell the waiter Lec, we said hi!

Anyway, after dinner, we went over to Barnes & Noble for a little book browsing. Well, being the bibliophile that I am, and the fact that he spoils me rotten, browsing turned to buying. I got a book on Tolkien Trivia, a book on reading body language, City of Dark Magic, The Witch of Little Italy, Aunt Dimity & the Family (I LOVE this series!), The Ultimate Diet Planner, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing a Novel, & Now Write Mysteries. And all but two were on the clearance racks! Score!

I've already finished the Tolkien trivia, but I guess I'd better give that Benjamin Franklin book a go before I dive into the rest... maybe not! I'll let you know what I think!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

2 Weeks Back at Work

I'm sure I'm driving everyone at work nuts with baby pictures.

I still hate leaving in the morning.

And I count the hours (and minutes) until I can come home.

And once I get home, I don't want to cook dinner. Or for that matter, eat dinner.

I just want to hold my little Cookie and cuddle her.

I want to look at my precious little girl and see her smile.

I want to talk to her and hear her coo back.

I don't want to leave in the mornings.

Her cries break my heart every time.

I hate going to sleep at night  because it's time away from her.

How does this get easier?

Thursday, February 27, 2014


There are things you can do while multitasking. And things you should not do.

For example, you can walk and talk at the same time. (Unless you are coordination challenged like I am!)

But you should not text and drive.

Read a book and nurse a baby? No sweat.

Drink and breathe? Not so much. (Hint: Your lungs don't appreciate it!)

Crochet and watch tv? Maybe. Depends on your experience level.

Play a video game & use a headset? Of course!

Read a book and take a bubble bath? No sweat!

But please, for the love of all that is holy, people, I beg you, please stop trying to talk on your cell phone, drink a pop, smoke a cigarette, and drive all at the same time!

(Also, if you are going 45 mph in the fast lane at rush hour, YOU are the problem! A school bus just passed you! Move to the slow lane! Or, better yet, get off the highway and take the side streets!)

Ok, sorry, traffic rant over.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Comparing Parenting Styles

It was suggested that I write a post about how my parenting compares to my parents since they keep my little Cookie all day, and Pookie, Mario, & Jalapeno when they get home from school.

But I really don't think that it's a fair comparison really.

We know so much more about some things now than they did then. And we have so many more gadgets to make our lives easier now.

For example, the little sling that fits in the baby bathtub to hold a newborn securely while you bath them. And we know not to put a baby to sleep on their stomach. (In their generations defense, the doctors of the time told them that was the safest way for babies to sleep. There has been so much more research done since then.)

They also did not have car seats like we do now. My parents had a car bed that I slept in. The bed fastened down, but the baby did not. Picture this without the wheels:

Regardless, my mom is up to date on all the new baby safety measures. She knows not to lay the baby on her tummy to sleep but to give her tummy time so that she has practice keeping her head up.

She knows to always, always put Cookie in her car seat and not to take her out until the car is in park, no matter how much she screams. (She does NOT like the car seat. If you have any suggestions for that, let me know!)

And Banana knows not to give her cows milk, or honey, or even baby food yet. She trusts that I'm doing what's best for Cookie and I trust she'll listen to the "new-fangled" ideas that we "young whippersnappers" have now about how to raise kids. (And, no, she doesn't really talk like that!) 

We both trust each other and that's important when we both love the kiddos so much.