Sunday, February 23, 2014

1st Week Back at Work

Well, it was my first week back at work.

And I hated it.

Don't get me wrong, I love my employers. I love my job. I just HATED being away from my little Cookie.

My employers are great. They are more than understanding when I need to leave early to be there for my kids' parties at school or take a day off because of Cookie's two month doctor appointment.

But being away from that tiny little angelic person is tough.

I realize that's mama hormones and how we humans are programmed so that we take good care of our little ones who would never survive without us.

But it's tough. And as is typical of me, I didn't know what I had until it was gone. I now miss what used to drive me bananas: sitting at home all day. Snuggling a little person all day.

I miss being a stay at home mom, and if we won the Power Ball or Mega Millions, I'd be back at home in a heart beat.

But I got this idea the other day, while I was at work. If I'm ever in a position to own a business, everyone who has children that aren't in school all day, will be welcome to bring their kids to work. We'll have on site day care (but more like nannies) and moms who are nursing will be called by the nannies to come nurse their babies whenever the babies are hungry. Meetings can wait. Another employee can help a customer. Oh, and there will be no additional cost for the parents to leave their babies with the nannies.

That sounds like a good business plan to me. Now, what kind of business should I run?

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