Tuesday, February 25, 2014

101 in 1000 Days/Bucket List

A long time ago I started a 101 Things in 1000 Days Project. And then, it evolved more into a bucket list because I ended up with WAY more than 101 Things.

And most of them were not achievable in 1000 days for me because of school, work, kids, etc. For example, traveling to India, isn't really practical for me right now, or in the next 3ish years.

So, in an effort to hold myself accountable, I have decided to share some with you guys.

One of my favorites, that I intend to start as soon as it gets warm enough (which I hope will be soon, but probably not before mid March) is to "Walk to Mordor." Being the geek that I am, I've been wanting to try it since I found the website but it was way too cold and icy to walk outside and I am not going to pay to use a gym. (Since I know I'd never go!) It just seems like more trouble than it's worth to drive to a gym, change clothes, work out, shower, change clothes again, and drive home when I could just go walk outside.

Anyway so here's a few:
1) Walk to Mordor!
2) Read Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography
3) Clean and moisturize my skin once a day
4) Read 1 non-fiction book a month
5) Get a postcard from every state.

If you want to join me on these, please feel free to email me, or comment on your progress here!
You can also make your own 101 list here or you can just get ideas for things to put on your list, too!

(My first one was on paper... ok, still is, I have it in a notebook. I'm telling ya, it's huge! I love looking at other people's lists, too. Maybe that's why my list is so long, I keep seeing things on other people's lists that sound fun!)

Monday, February 24, 2014


Ok, so this post was originally going to be about difficult burpers because until a few days ago, Cookie was a very, VERY difficult burper.

My doctor showed me how to do something that I call "around the world" when Cookie was 2 weeks old. You basically sit the baby up, and rotate the babies upper body around in a circle gently. You do this a few times and then proceed to burp the baby. (Sorry for not describing it well!) Genius!

This is amazing! There were times where she would burp before I had finished two rotations! It was so amazing! (It doesn't work every time but it increased how often I was able to get her to burp by about three times!)

We haven't really needed to do this the last few days because she has suddenly decided that burping is a good thing and she does it readily.

My favorite burps are the ones that are so loud you would not believe that it came out of such a little person if you weren't the one burping her!

(My least favorite are the ones that involve massive amounts of spit up, like everyone else I expect!)

Anyway, if you have a difficult burper, give it a try! (And if you can't figure out what the heck I'm talking about, let me know & I'll try to explain it a little better or maybe post a video.)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

1st Week Back at Work

Well, it was my first week back at work.

And I hated it.

Don't get me wrong, I love my employers. I love my job. I just HATED being away from my little Cookie.

My employers are great. They are more than understanding when I need to leave early to be there for my kids' parties at school or take a day off because of Cookie's two month doctor appointment.

But being away from that tiny little angelic person is tough.

I realize that's mama hormones and how we humans are programmed so that we take good care of our little ones who would never survive without us.

But it's tough. And as is typical of me, I didn't know what I had until it was gone. I now miss what used to drive me bananas: sitting at home all day. Snuggling a little person all day.

I miss being a stay at home mom, and if we won the Power Ball or Mega Millions, I'd be back at home in a heart beat.

But I got this idea the other day, while I was at work. If I'm ever in a position to own a business, everyone who has children that aren't in school all day, will be welcome to bring their kids to work. We'll have on site day care (but more like nannies) and moms who are nursing will be called by the nannies to come nurse their babies whenever the babies are hungry. Meetings can wait. Another employee can help a customer. Oh, and there will be no additional cost for the parents to leave their babies with the nannies.

That sounds like a good business plan to me. Now, what kind of business should I run?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Raising Geeks and Gamers Part 2

I wrote yesterday about the rules we have about the electronics in our house.

And I thought I should bring up another topic in regard to gaming. Harassment of women. There have been a lot of articles written lately about guy gamers harassing women gamers. Even NPR has done a piece on it. You can find that here.

You can even find a video response by a bunch of girl gamers known as "Geek Girls & the Doubleclicks" which I happen to love. (Look for Adam Savage & Wil Wheaton to make an appearance.)

My contribution to geek and gamer culture is this:

I am raising a houseful of male geeks and gamers who would never think about treating female geeks and gamers the way that I have been treated in some circles.

I am raising a houseful of male geeks and gamers who have stepped up to defend female geeks and gamers and will continue to do so in the future.

Because they see these females as someone to whom they can relate. They see them as their friends. And I've raised them to defend their friends.

They see these women as someone's sister. And they would defend their sisters in a heartbeat. Not to mention, they would be furious to see someone treat their sisters that way.

And perhaps, best of all, they see these women as (potentially) someone's mother. And they would never talk to me that way or treat me that way, so they will never talk to someone else's mother that way.

How do I know?

I've read them the articles. I've told them my stories. And I've seen the looks on their faces. From the 25 year old to the 8 year old, the looks of horror and disgust really don't change.

Of course, having a geek/gamer for a mother, as well as having me work in a predominantly male industry, they've heard me tell off guys for treating me in any way less than I expect. At this point, they're like, "Where's the popcorn?"

It also helps that people like Adam Savage & Wil Wheaton stand up and help make those videos like the one above. Please, go thank them! They both have Twitter accounts: @donttrythis and @wilw (+Wil Wheaton)

Have the discussion with your children. Don't hide the world from them. Present it honestly and truthfully. Let them know that the internet does not make them anonymous any more than it make the person on the other side less of a person. And, if necessary, explain why certain behaviors are not acceptable.

Your children will surprise you. I guarantee it.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Raising Geeks and Gamers Part 1

Dad and I are self-proclaimed geeks as well as gamers. So I guess it should surprise no one that we are raising a household full of them.

We have the Minecraft players, the Cookie Clicker players, the Team Fortress 2 players, the Elder Scroll Online players, the Dungeon & Dragon players and we've already talked about all the games that Dad plays.

For those that think that video games are bad for you, I present this: 9 Ways Video Games Can Actually Be Good For You

I also present these videos from TED Talks:
1) Daphne Bavelier: Your brain on video games2) Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world

And for those of you who think that all games whether video games or not are bad for you:Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life

Now, don't get me wrong, we don't let the kids spend unlimited hours on electronics. There are rules. 

We have a sign up sheet. The kids may sign up for an hour at a time on a specific electronic. 
The slots go from hour to hour, i.e. 1 pm - 2pm and turns are up on the hour. 
They may not sign up for 3 hours in a row on one specific electronic. So if they are on Dad's computer for an hour they can move on to the XBox, but not stay on the computer.
And if there is school the next day, they get off electronics at 6 pm.

They have to start their homework at 6 pm, but if they need the computer to do their homework we will allow them to use the computer after 6 pm for homework only.

And the electronics are the first things that we take away if disciplinary measures become necessary.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tommee Tippee Bottles

I won't make this a habit, but I'm going to endorse these bottles.
You can find them on Amazon here.

I bought these bottles with the hope that they would:
A) not cause nipple confusion
B) that Cookie would like them and
C) that Banana would actually be able to get Cookie to eat using them. (She won't take any pacifiers.)

While I can't say for certain that Cookie likes them, the other two options are definitely true.

Cookie goes back and forth from the bottle to the breast with no issues. (Although, she won't take formula from them which I'm ok with since I'm pumping anyway.)

The last two types of bottles that I remember using were Avent and Playtex nursers (the kind with the drop in bags that you put the milk or formula in). The Playtex I used when I had never tried to nurse the child so I wasn't worried about going back and forth. The Avent I used after the baby was a year old and nursing was well established by then.

So, all in all, my point is that these bottles have definitely been worth the money so far. And, no, I haven't been paid to endorse them.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Meet the Family - Mom

So, last member of the family is me! I'm Mom. 

This is a picture taken a couple years ago by Dad for the program of a couple shows I was working on at the time. He's really the only person that takes decent pictures of me, I think.

I work in the theatre industry in many ways. I'm a stage manager, assistant production coordinator, a lighting tech, sound board operator, light board operator, and backstage tech. I've worked at the largest community playhouse in the US, one of the last free Shakespeare festivals in the US, and one of the largest (Top 5) children's theaters in the US. If you want info on theatre tech, shoot me an email, a tweet, or a private message. I'll be more than happy to answer your questions.

I like to write. I am an expert crocheter and a beginner knitter. I enjoy sketching, drawing, doodling, and painting but I have no delusions about my talent there (It is mediocre at best.) 

I am a dedicated book lover and reader. At any one time there is a huge stack of books that I am reading on my dresser. I tend to read multiple books at one time (and yes, I can keep the story lines straight).

You'll find little bit of all of these coming up I am sure.

Well, anyway, that's me. Welcome to my blog & I look forward to getting to know you all!