I bought these bottles with the hope that they would:
A) not cause nipple confusion
B) that Cookie would like them and
C) that Banana would actually be able to get Cookie to eat using them. (She won't take any pacifiers.)
While I can't say for certain that Cookie likes them, the other two options are definitely true.
Cookie goes back and forth from the bottle to the breast with no issues. (Although, she won't take formula from them which I'm ok with since I'm pumping anyway.)
The last two types of bottles that I remember using were Avent and Playtex nursers (the kind with the drop in bags that you put the milk or formula in). The Playtex I used when I had never tried to nurse the child so I wasn't worried about going back and forth. The Avent I used after the baby was a year old and nursing was well established by then.
So, all in all, my point is that these bottles have definitely been worth the money so far. And, no, I haven't been paid to endorse them.
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